Friday, March 12, 2010

End of the Week Reflections


My first Etsy sale really has me excited for what's to come. There's a lot of hard work ahead, and one sale does not a successful business make, but there's certainly hope! There's much anticipation in our household this week - our upcoming mini vacay in Ottawa for March Break, signing the papers for our new home, and as always waiting to see what new things The Chubblers learns to do each and every day.

This week has me hugging my loved ones a little tighter. Hearing about the tragic death of an OPP officer and the agonizing decision two young parents had to make in the life of their tiny son gives me shivers and makes me feel very lucky.

Inspiration comes from unlikely places. In my travels through an online mommy forum, I heard about this blog and came across the most lovely and tear-jerking birth story you could imagine. Beautiful. And now I'm obsessed with the blog and read it daily. If you're looking for beautiful photography and words, this is the place to get it. She's going to be on CNN next week too - her story has really caught on.

Nothing too deep this week, just some thoughts from the past few days. Likely won't be posting much until late next week as we're off to explore Ottawa for a few days. Don't forget to change your clocks this weekend folks!