This week's installment of Cause of the Week features one of my favorite causes - Right To Play. The mission of this organization is "To improve the lives of children in some of the most disadvantaged areas of the world by using the power of sport and play for development, health and peace" . Sounds good, right? So what's it all about?
Right To Play has 40 top athlete ambassadors to inspire children around the world and generate funding, and a global network of volunteers to carry out its mission on the ground. Through the development of local sports programs, they promote life skills and peace as well as healthy physical and social development. Right to Play is also active in policy research and development. Their symbol, the Red Ball, reads "Look After Yourself, Look After One Another" and I can't think of a better motto for any of us.
If you're looking for a worthy place to send your money, your time or your resources, check out Right To Play. Its a cause close to my heart and one that will hopefully become close to yours.
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